Node 6h: NN (Pholcus and close relatives except Sihala)

Procursus with ventral projection ("knee")
(Huber 2011)

A ventral, usually heavily sclerotized knee-like element
of the procursus is considered a synapomorphy of most of the genera of the Pholcus group of genera. In some taxa, however, such as in two species groups in the genus
Panjange, this structure is considered secondarily absent.
Contrary to Huber (2011), Micropholcus and Pehrforsskalia are also considered part of this group, based on molecular evidence (Dimitrov et al. 2013).

Genital bulb with additional apophysis (uncus)
(Huber 2011)

The uncus is a distinctive bulbal process
that unites most genera of the Pholcus group of genera. Its absence in sevreal taxa (e.g. Panjange and
closely related taxa; Pholcus leruthi; Ph. guineensis and close relativesis; etc.) is considered secondary. However, the homology of the bulbal processes remains unclear in some taxa (Calapnita, Micromerys).

The plesiomorphic conditions are: procursus without ventral sclerotized element, and bulb with only one apophysis.