Seychelles 2018
The Seychelles offer a fascinating combination of beautiful beaches and lush tropical forest. However, a closer look reveals that much of the flora and fauna is not native but introduced by humans over the centuries. The pholcid spiders in the Seychelles are no exception. Of the twelve species known from the archipelago (ten published, two unpublished), eight are introduced: Artema atlanta, Crossopriza lyoni, Micropholcus fauroti, Modisimus culicinus, Physocyclus globosus, Smeringopus pallidus, Uthina luzonica, and an undescribed East Asian Spermophora. Only one genus seems to be endemic, and this genus (Cenemus) is of particular interest because it seems to be more closely related to Mediterranean and Middle Eastern taxa (such as Holocnemus, Crossopriza, Hoplopholcus, etc.) than with Subsaharan taxa (Smeringopus and Smeringopina).


Male and female of the Seychellian endemic species Cenemus culiculus.