South Africa 2001
After the 15th International Congress of Arachnology in Badplaas, South Africa, I took the opportunity together with some colleagues to participate in a collecting trip through eastern South Africa. We visited some game reserves in KwaZulu-Natal and Swaziland, driving down from Badplaas to Durban.

It was not only about spiders, and we were all impressed by the beauty and many riches of this country. As usual, I focused on pholcids, and after the few days we spent collecting, I had more species of pholcids in my vials than had been known from the entire country before.

Back home (in Vienna at that time) I started to work on the new material, and on the great recent collections I had borrowed from various South African and other museums. It turned out that South Africa is home to a very species-rich genus, now called Quamtana. Two species had actually been known before, but they had been erroneously assigned to Pholcus. In addition, I described 23 new species, most of them from South Africa (Huber 2003c).

Even so, a lot remains to be done regarding South African pholcids. For example, we collected the genus Leptopholcus which has not been recorded for South Africa before. Species-rich is also the genus Smeringopus (in the meantime revised: Huber 2012).